Sunday Night Community Dinner takes place on Sunday evenings from 5:00 PM until 6:00 PM. We provide a free delicious meal as well as time to connect with others and build community. Often we will have live music or a speaker sharing a short message or a story.
Our community meal program has been part of Gracepoint's identity for many years, as a church we value investing in the community around us. One of the central reasons we continue to press into a meal program is because we value food security, we understand that a number of people in poverty struggle to get meals onto their plates, and we want to be part of the solution of seeing people fed well. Another one of our values revolving around our meal program is that we believe in the dignity of all people, we believe that each person has been made in the image of God and that each person has value. We want to be a community that uplifts others and engages them with dignity. Along with believing each person has value, we also believe each person is loved by God. Just as God loves them, we also want to love them, and as part of loving them, we want to share Jesus with them. Finally, we believe in a safe community and in friendship, as part of our meal program, we want to get to know people and create a safe space where they can get to know others within the community.